The magazine invites contributors to develop programming skills of undergraduate students in computing. Each complete programming example will appear in a magazine issue. Good knowledge and degree of the contributors are essential.
Dr Witold Pedrycz, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Computational Intelligence
Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11-293 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R3 Canada; Email:
Dr Hasan Fleyeh, Associate Professor School of Industry and Business Studies,
Dalarna University, 791 88 Falun, Sweden ; Email:
Dr Jhimli Adhikari, Professor
Narayan Zantye College, Goa University, Goa-403529, India; Email :
Dr Lakhmi C. Jain, Founder
KES International, PO Box 243, Selby, YO81DS, United Kingdom; Email:
Dr Shichao Zhang, Distinguished Professor
Central South University, School of Computer Science and Technology, 932 Lushan S Rd,
Yuelu Qu,Changsha Shi, Hunan Sheng, China 410008 ; Email:
The goal of this e-magazine is to empower the students with problem solving skills. The magazine currently has four issues in a year. Each issue consists of four to five pages of reading material for the students.
The task of the Editor-in-Chief is to read and approve an issue for publication.
The task of an Associate Editor is to form an issue by selecting some problems and solutions from the available pool of solved problems. Then the problems and solutions in the issue are finally verified for the publication. This task may be required to perform twice in a year.
The task of a Representative Graduate Student is to review a submission, and finally accept or reject a submission.
For more information, please click here.
Each submission may contain multiple problems & solutions; review questions & answers; a book review. Each book review can have minimum half page but maximum two pages of length. Answers, solutions, reviews copied directly from a book will be rejected. A contributor need not require registering. However, it is required to register to access the content of e-magazine. Please e-mail your submission to with subject heading "Computer Science and Information Technology".
Material for the e-magazine can come from a wide range of topics related to computing. Topics include but not limited to the following: