Elements of Algorithm Design and Analysis

Topics : Introduction, Complexity, Data structures, Divide-and-conquer strategy, Greedy method, Traversal and searching techniques, Dynamic programming technique, Backtracking method, Branch-and-bound method, Algebraic problems, NP-hard and NP-complete problems, Miscellaneous

Current Editor :
Dr. Animesh Adhikari

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Table of Contents

Salient Features :
The goal of learning computer science is to write efficient programs for the problems. The present module discusses how to design an efficient algorithm, if possible, for a given problem. Then we need to convert the algorithm into a computer program with the help of a computer language. This book discusses different techniques, such as divide-and-conquer strategy, greedy method, dynamic programming technique, branch-and-bound method, backtracking method and algebraic method, for designing an algorithm of a given problem. Current edition of the book contains 203 questions and answers. It contains 40 algorithms designed for different problems. Students will find the book helpful for their studies.





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270 (India)
US 7 (Outside India)

Online Access 1

270 (India)
US 7 (Outside India)

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