Elements of Probability Theory

Topics : Algebra of events, Combinatorial analysis, Probability models, Basic concepts, Random variables, Discrete distributions, Continuous distributions, Joint probability distributions, Properties of expectations, Limit theorems, Queuing theory

Current Editor :
Dr. Animesh Adhikari

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Salient Features :
Probability theory has been a backbone of managing uncertainities. It has been a part of various disciplines, since the management of uncertainities comes everywhere. There are various disciplines in science and engineering that include probability theory as a subject of study. A deeper analysis of any topic requires application of probability theory. We believe that a large number of students would get benefited from this book, specially designed for them. It is useful for both competitive examinations and regular studies. The current edition of this book includes 255 questions and solutions.





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260 (India)
US 6 (Outside India)

Online Access 1

260 (India)
US 6 (Outside India)

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