Topics : Module 1 { Introduction, Basic concepts, Entity relationship models, Extended entity relationship models, Relational model, Relational algebra and calculus, SQL, Functional dependencies and normalization, Constraints and triggers, Views and indexes, Query processing, Security, Data storage, Transactions, Concurrency control, Crash recovery, Miscellaneous}; Module 2{ Introduction, Language processors, Assemblers, Macro processors, Linkers and loaders, Scanners, Compilers, Interpreters, Operating systems, Software Tools, Miscellaneous};
Module 3 {Introduction, Preliminary concepts, Processes, Multi-threading, Scheduling processes, Process synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory management, Virtual memory, Input / Output systems, File systems, Secondary storage, Security and protections}; Module 4 {Introduction, Models of network, Preliminary concepts, Physical layer, Data link layer, Medium access control, Network layer, Transport layer, Application layer, Network security, Miscellaneous}; Module 5 {Introduction, Basic compiling techniques, Lexical analysis, Syntax analysis, Syntax-directed translation, Type checking, Runtime environments, Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code optimization, Miscellaneous}